So why Circles of Blue?
It’s not because we’re sad about anything, although Lord knows we’ve had our moments trying to get our heads around the life changer known as type 1 diabetes.
The Blue Circle is the internationally recognised symbol of diabetes so that’s one reason for the name.
This blog will not just be about one person with type 1 but how it affects the family, our circle. I tried to come up with something clever focusing around the word ‘family’ or ‘d’ for diabetes but never felt happy with any of my ideas until I thought about Circles of Blue. That’s it, nothing special.

And the image? For the modern art lovers: the first circle is the international symbol for diabetes; it fades away into the other four which represent the four members of our family as we’re affected at different intensities at different times; the fading represents the fact that some activities are not upset or affected by diabetes but it’s always there in the background. For the non modern art lovers: it’s an image featuring circles, okay?
If you’re interested what inspired me to create this blog check out this page.