London to Paris 2019 cycle videos

kev at paris 2019In June I rode to Paris with a 10 mums and dads of kids with Type 1, plus 16 year old Jack (who has Type 1 himself).

Finally the videos are done.

It was ridiculously hot, riding in temperatures up to 43 Celsius, that made it quite hard work at times. We managed to minimise some of the heat by leaving our hotels really early but it still wasn’t enough, especially on the hottest day, day 3.
It was a self-supported ride, where we carried our own luggage, tools and spares, and were responsible for fixing any mechanicals. Out of the four Paris rides I’ve done we experienced the most issues this year: from Svenia’s tubeless tyre puncture woes; to Steve’s broken spoke; to Andrew’s cracked wheel rim 30km from the nearest shop!
The heat and issues were all overcome and we had a lot of fun, it really was a great group. Caveat: every trip has been great fun, brilliant team work and camaraderie, lots of beer and wine too.
The end result was we raised £12,000 for JDRF.

Here’s the videos from this year. Sit back, enjoy, and if you think you might like to do this let me know. If you want to do your own trip then full planning information is available at

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One Response to London to Paris 2019 cycle videos

  1. Rick Phillips says:

    That looks like fun.

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