This pump is going to cost me a fortune
It’s probably my fault that this pump is going to cost me a small fortune: when discussing pumps before even Amy had decided I’d shown her a web site that many of you know – – which had pump belts for sale. Amy had spied the One Direction pump belt they sell with eagerness.
Being under prepared
Getting the pump so soon meant we weren’t organised enough to sort out a pump belt so last Thursday, when Amy got her pump, she had no choice but to wear a belt to clip the belt too as the pump didn’t fit in her shorts pocket.
So which belt is right then?
We looked at all the belts available on which was difficult as they have so many good ones. Amy liked the One Direction one but worried what would happen if she went off them.
We looked at cotton ones, plain ones, denim ones, on and on and on.
Then I saw that FunkyPumpers sold SPIbelts, a belt I’ve heard of and seen before. I knew that the principle is that they’re comfortable to wear and don’t move around much. Realising that they would fit an insulin pump inside was a breakthrough.
Unfortunately Amy wasn’t particularly sold on any of the designs FunkyPumpers sold so I headed off to, a cycling-centric site which is quite local to us.
After what seemed like and age we found the one for Sheldon (that’s what Amy’s pump is called), it was a pink camouflage one. It was ordered on Sunday and arrived today (Wednesday).
SPIbelts are available in waterproof
First impressions
As soon as Amy put it on she said how comfortable it was, she’s been wearing it ever since. The material feels cool and smooth so no chance of itching or getting too hot.
As with all pump belts you can wrap the excess tube up and stuff it inside the belt.
It looks cool so it will look good over clothes and feel comfortable underneath clothes.
Here it is