Continuing Connections – Diabetes Blog Week, Day 7


Day 7’s topic is Continuing Connections:
The very first inspiration for Diabetes Blog Week was to help connect our blogging community, and that continues to be the most important reason it’s held every year. So let’s help foster and continue those connections as we wrap up another Dblog Week. Share a link to a new blog you’ve found or a new friend you’ve made. Or pick a random blog off of the Participant’s List, check it out and share it with us. Let’s take some time today to make new friends.

Choosing my fave new blog isn’t easy

Diabetes Blog Week has introduced me to two new blogs which I’m enjoying very much, it’s difficult to decide between the two.


Let me be Frank about my first choice

The first new blog I started reading this week belonged to Frank, a blog I found very interesting, easy to read and of a lot of relevance. Franks blogs are like most written from the heart and it’s been interesting to read his viewpoint. Go and take a read if you haven’t already.
Of course it was nice to see Frank felt a similar way about mine too with his tweets and comments on my blog.
Frank's tweet about Circles of Blue


It’ll be difficult to (Dia)beat(er) this next one though

Like many I have discovered and been in awe of Tamsin’s blog, lifestyle and attitude. Whilst only recently diagnosed whilst travelling the world Tamsin has gripped Diabetes by the neck and showed it that it will never break her, it will not stop her doing what she wants to do.
Whilst not specifically Diabetes related her 24 life lessons from 24 months on the road article offers such great worldly advice and contains such jawdropping photos.
If Amy grows up with only part of Tamsin’s attitude and zest for life I’d be a happy Dad.
Tamsin and I share an interest, which I’m afraid I just can’t talk about and I look forward to reading more about how she get’s on running on fat, which I know from reading is very achievable.
Like Frank, Tamsin has been very kind with her comments to me and I’ve enjoyed our interactions in a Facebook group (which I just can’t talk about).

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4 Responses to Continuing Connections – Diabetes Blog Week, Day 7

  1. Frank says:

    “let me be frank about my first choice” – haha love it! Thanks so much for the kind words, I really am humbled that you’ve connected with me most. Tamsin’s blog is another very worthy choice, she is just such an inspiring person. I’m really glad I discovered your blog this week as well (now on my blogroll). I really have the utmost appreciation for d-parents, its one of the topics that I have most enjoyed reading/learning about this week.

    Sorry, one more thing – check your link to Tamsin’s blog – the link is missing one of the a’s in diabeater.

  2. Kelley says:

    I really enjoyed Frank and Tasmin’s posts this week as well! Great choices!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much, Kev! You’re very kind! With a dad as caring as you are, I’m sure Amy’s well on her way to growing into an amazing young adult. As long as you’re there to show her a positive attitude, it’ll definitely rub off! My zest for life was definitely triggered by my mum, having watched her have a brain haemorrhage when I was 8 (this is in my About section on my other blog – – it’s a wee bit less organised than Type 1 Diabeater and a whole lot dustier!)

    Thanks for the link to that book, too! I’ve actually read no literature on running on a low carb diet! I just researched Ketosis a wee bit and it just made sense that it would happen naturally (that and the fact I keep using my body as an experiment and went for a 13km run in 1hr 10 mins without glucose and felt fantastic)!

    I’m so excited to be a part of the Facebook Group, and the community! 🙂

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